Orientation and equipment techniques. Reciprocal and geometric headings and courses. Compass utilization and function. Natural navigation. Getting back to the shore seems pretty straight forward, but if you go in the wrong directions, then what...? The best part of navigation is that you get to where you want to be a lot sooner and spend less time wandering around.

Stress & Rescue
Risk, stress, and diver aid. Scene assessment, management, and techniques. Emergency and crisis management, first aid, oxygen administration. You never know when an emergency might arise, and being prepared for it -- before and after -- is important. Stress & Rescue is a requirement for your Master Diver certification, too. It is a fun class and you will be put through great challenges. See what is going around in your environment and be an agent to reduce risk.

Oxygen Administration for Scuba Diving Injuries
This course is designed to train and educate interested individuals in the techniques of using oxygen as first aid for a suspected dive injury. In addition, this course will introduce the fundamentals of recognizing diving injury warning signs, response and management. This program is taken in conjunction with BLS: CPR & First Aid.

Basic Life Support: CPR & First Aid
First Aid: Bandaging and Wound Management, Shock Management, Asthma, Heart Attack, Diabetic Emergencies, Stroke, Seizures, Poisonings, Burns, Bone Breaks, Temperature Related Injuries, Home Emergency Planning, Lifting & Moving, and Overall General Emergency Management.

Automated Electronic Defibrillator (AED)
Theory, Setup, and use.

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