Customer Testimonials

What others are saying about us...

☆☆☆☆☆  "Patient, knowledgeable and flexible. Was so worth it too pay a little extra and get an instructor that really knows what he's doing. Totally accommodating with my crazy schedule. Had a great time and met some cool new people." --Jack Donaldson

☆☆☆☆☆  "Safe, thorough, and very fun – My husband and I just completed our NAUI open water certification with Carlos at JCA Elite Scuba. We were highly impressed with his knowledge, professionalism and patience. He’s trained beginning divers like us, kids, and advanced divers so he’s well-prepared to handle all types of students and every possible contingency that can happen under the water. He took the time to make sure we truly understood the information before moving on to the next step and never made us feel rushed..." --Ashley Demland   MORE

☆☆☆☆☆  I recently finished my open water certification with Carlos. Let me tell you: it was a FANTASTIC educational experience. First off, for not much more cost than shop-based group lessons, you get 1-on-1 private tutoring. He's very flexible on meeting times and locations which was great for my hectic schedule. During the actual class, he walks you thru the information using a combination of powerpoint slides, short videos, spontaneous drawings, as well as plenty of real-life experiences and examples. Safety and proper procedure were emphasized over and over and over again. That really helped build my confidence... --David Greenberg   MORE

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